Please be patient.
The names of the Thousand Best And Brightest should be out within the next week or so.
The Nuisance Period leading up to the Australia 2020 Summit will soon be over and so the “pick me!” shenanegans will soon be over too .... THEN we can all get down to the serious business of working out what policies can get us a better future.
I said WE and I meant WE!
Just because you haven't been invited to waste a heap of your own money [if you had any, that is] to attend this particular talk-fest in Canberra in a few weeks time, it doesn't mean you have to just sit in a corner, keep your mouth shut and do as you are told.
If you have an opinion on what policies would help you or harm you in the future – get up and say so! If not here on the Counter-Summit blog then in dozens and dozens of other places: among your friends and colleagues, on talk-back radio, in letters-to-the-editor, in chat-rooms, at school, in public meetings, in the pub or the club, in letters to your council or your local parliamentarian.
Don't allow yourself to be intimidated into silence by “your betters”[wtf??] or by today's version of the Bunyip Aristocracy.
You haven't surrendered your citizenship, have you? You haven't signed a contract to enter serfdom, have you?
Then you have just as much right to have an opinion or have a bright idea – and to say so – as any of the usual bunch of scoundrels, failures and boofheads whose silly ideas are given such undue prominence in the news media.
Don't be shy.
Stand up.
Speak up.
We all want to hear what you think.